September 26-Hair today, gone tomorrow!

The last few chemo treatments have proven to be difficult, my veins are hard to access so it has been decided to have a port put in.   Today was day 7 of a 10 day radiation plan and so far there has been no improvement.   I am still having a lot of pain and the swelling is now from thigh to foot and at times my leg looks like it could belong on the elephant man!  On the up side, all of this has given me so many opportunities to share my testimony with strangers, I couldn’t ask for anything better.

About 3 weeks ago I noticed that my hair was starting to fall out, not in clumps but like a dog shedding it’s winter coat.  So I decided to start shopping for a wig in preparation for the inevetible, I found one that I really like just a few days ago and after a few days and more hair loss, took the clippers and got rid of the remaining offending (and mocking) hair.  Now I was not a pretty bald baby but as it turns out not too bad looking as a bald woman!  Praise God for the unexpected blessings.  Now don’t get excited and think that I will be running around wigless, I’m not that secure with a bald head!

I will have to have chemo for the rest of my life in hopes of keeping the cancer cells from taking over and winning, (sooner than later) this means that my hair will more than likely never grow back.  This means I can have a lot of fun finding new wigs in different styles that I could never have got my own hair to do.  See, another unexpected blessing!

It is not hard to praise God when you sit on the top of the mountain, but what do you do when you are down in the valley and there’s a mudslide bearing down on you?  Think Mud Pies!!!

Galatians 5:20  “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


  1. What a beautiful attitude you have! Praising God for His strength, which clearly carries you through each day. You are in our prayers.

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