November 21- What do you mean you can’t tell?

So yesterday was interesting, as I stood up to meet the nurse half way across the room my left hip popped, she heard it from where she was waiting! Add to that my right tibia where I received radiation
is hurting again in the same spot, this should not be so. I went for an x-ray on the tibia today and will go Monday for upper body skeletal x-rays. Soo…only my toes have not had an x-ray but once they do I will be radiation woman!!! My right hip is doing great and the meds for my hands seem to be helping a little bit. The doc says he has no way to tell if the new chemo is working (now isn’t that what he went to medical school for?) so of course we would all like to know how he can tell if it ISN”T working. My guess and I bet yours as well is more fractures and more tumors, not my preference to a diagnoses. I feel great and am looking forward to my sister Sheila coming to stay for a month, it’s been way too many years since we have seen each other and I am blessed to say that we are both better people now. Everything about having cancer has brought with it a blessing, the best being how it has brought my family so close and of course the many opportunities I have had and will continue to have to witness to strangers and sometimes people I have known for years! Someone ask me the other day if I could would I wish the cancer away? Without hesitation I said No. Look at everything I would have missed out on the most important to me is how I’ve grown in the Lord and learning how much I truly need him for everything, not just hard times but always. I wouldn’t even pass up the pain, it taught me so much about depending on the Lord and praising him through that pain. Now I will tell ya that I wouldn’t complain if I never have pain again! but really, what are the chances of that happening? So I’ll face the pain the same way I face the rest of cancer, praising God always and all the time.
9 more days til I step out of my comfort zone and into a church to give my testimony. I asked you all to be praying and I know that you have been because I can feel the love and I am no longer terrified (just nervous) and even a little excited to get out there and do what God has called me to do. PRAISE GOD FOR ALL HIS PEOPLE!!!

Matthew 21:22 “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

And all his people said “AMEN”


  1. Your outlook is incredible. By sharing your journey, you allow us to see God’s goodness in the midst of your trials. We are lifting you up as a family and will pray for you as you step out of your comfort zone and share your testimony in 9 days.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I know that when you stand up to give your testimony you will be a ” Radiant Women” because you already are. The Spirit of Christ IS shinning through you! Ill be praying for peace and calmness as you give your testimony. Have some one video tape it. I want to watch and share at my Bible study.

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