November 13-Say it ain’t so…

Yesterday I had an appointment with the bone doctor, my hands have been numb for several weeks now and I needed to have them looked at. Several x-rays and an exam later I was told that I have carpel tunnel in both hands. Surgery is the only sure way to fix the problem but that just ain’t happening! So, next best thing is braces for both hands and Gabapentin that should lessen the problem. Not a perfect solution but the only one I am willing to consider right now.
Today was my second round of my new chemo drug and I learned some pretty scary things about it. First, if it gets on your skin it can eat it! really? Second, it can cause heart problems so I will need tests done on my heart every 3-4 months. Are you kidding me?!! Third, and I discovered this right away-my eyelashes are falling out!!! Now I don’t know about the rest of you women but I need and want my lashes, what am I going to do with the 3 tubes of mascara I pain stakingly picked out to “enhance” my now disappearing lashes. I know it sounds vein and I don’t generally worry about things such as running out for errands with a cap or wrap on my head, or going bare face except for eyebrow powder (my brows are light blonde without it) and mascara, but it does bother me to not have lashes.
I have an appointment tomorrow with a lady that works with cancer patients and she tells me that she can help!! I like being a girl and I like looking like a girl–I NEED MY LASHES!!!
I am making great progress since surgery, I have started working out again (slow and steady) and I was blessed by a woman in Walmart yesterday. She told me I had a glow, I told her that it was Jesus and then explained myself. I love it when God gives me the opportunity to share my faith and my testimony, I’ve also made a commitment to speak at another church on the 30th of this month. I am terrified but ya just can’t (or shouldn’t) say no when God calls on you. Please be praying for me. I never imagined in a million years that my life would have taken this kind of turn yet each new challenge brings with it a new chance to glorify God, that makes it worth the journey.

Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower:the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”


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