May 30-Road Trip!

Well another week has passed and in spite of an all out war(I was not ugly) with the insurance company because they messed up and are taking forever to fix it and me having to pay 200 for meds that should have cost me 10, I can still say that I am blessed. I know there’s a lesson in all that has happened this week, maybe it’s to teach me patience, I’m not certain but what it did do was make me acutely aware of the words I use and the way I say things to the people making my life less than cheery. Often times we are caught up in our anger or frustration and we forget that we are always representatives of God, this past week was a challenge but each time I recalled something that always works for me: all that it takes for a person to doubt a christian or how God can work in our lives is for a christian to act like he’s not a christian. I also figured out that if I pray before I get on the phone with the insurance company I have already won the battle! I had run out of the higher dose morphine and was skating by on 40 mg less which led to a lot of bone pain, this was a reminder of how much pain I could actually face every day and that made me thankful for medication that allows me to function.
I heard from Chapel Hill and will be going up there Tuesday for an evaluation by a MBC specialist, other than that I have no idea what they will do to or for me. I will keep everyone posted.
I was so sorry to hear that Howard lost his battle with cancer, please keep Olga in your prayers as she deals with all that is yet to come.
I want to thank my very special friend Val for taking me to Chapel Hill, I tease her and say she’s my smother(combo of sister and mother) I would be a wreck if I had to drive myself and face all the new docs alone. Marty wants to go with us so this should be interesting! As I sit here and look out my window at the sunny day God has given us I am once again reminded to be thankful for every little thing. I am a little nervous about Chapel Hill because I don’t like change but if there is any hope of slowing down these tumors then I just have to put on my big girl panties and smile!!

1 Corinthians 1:10

“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement.”

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