July 24-How can poison be good for you? just say’n!

So the past few days were very difficult, pain and nausea, sweating and restless.   Went to see the doc today and started the low dose I.V Chemo called Taxol.   My calcium levels were up which means the cancer is growing!  Over all the experience was not terrible, any side effects will show themselves in the next couple of days (can we say yippie!!)   The doc did an exam (thank you mommy for staying with me) and he thought he felt another lump (do I name this one George the ll or Georgette because it’s smaller)  cast your vote!  No worries though because the chemo should help with everything ie..pain, tumors and so forth.   I have been telling people for as long as I can remember that a fathers role in his daughters life is invaluable.  Now my dad doesn’t get in my business,( except when we try to boss each other around!)  so when he asked me to try the chemo I had to say yes.  I respect my dad and I know that for him to ask meant this was terribly important to him.

Why did I fight so hard against the I.V Chemo?  Fear.  Plain and simple fear, which really isn’t so simple because we take the unknown and work up this thing in our mind that prevents us from doing what is right or important.  I believe that my god is not a god of fear but of comfort and reassurance (now having said that, he ain’t the one with poison rushing thru his veins!) lighten up people, I know that Jesus gave and suffered more than I could ever imagine.

I want to thank everyone who stands by me, prays for me and just makes me laugh or cry with their thoughtful cards and words, you will never know how I cling to that when days are unbearable.  I am truly blessed.

Romans 8:18 “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”




P.S  I am feeling very good at the moment!


  1. Hey again Robyn… I was reading about your chemo fear and thought I would share a little about my chemo experience..I went through 4 rounds of a 3 drug chemo mix. My Dr told me one of the best improvements that has been made in chemo treatments was improving the side effects. I really didn’t have the terrible side effects that I had heard about from people in years past. I never actually threw-up, was really tired about 4 or 5 days after my treatment and lost my hair. My biggest issue was low white cell count,which put me in the hospital after my 3rd treatment, but only a couple of days. If I ever need to go through it again, I wouldn’t hesitate. I hope the treatments help you and I’m continually praying for you… If you have in other questions about how my chemo went I’d be happy to tell you… Love to YOU!!! Lyndee

  2. Lyndee I can’t thank you enough for sharing, I had no idea that you had cancer until mom (Judy) told me. I am so glad that your treatment went well. May I ask what kind of cancer and what stage it was? How are you doing now that the treatments are finished? I will keep you and your family in my prayers and please keep in touch.
    Love to you too,

  3. Robyn I had stage 2 breast cancer. I had felt a lump for several months, but I had my mammograms regularly and nothing had shown up and it felt bigger than what I had always heard, “pea size”. So I waited until my annual check up and mentioned it to my Dr. She said yea it feels big so it’s probably a cyst but lets get it checked. Well a week later I had been through mammogram, ultra sound and biopsy and was told it was definitely cancer. I chose to have a mastectomy with lymph node removal. Thankfully it had not spread so a few weeks afterward I started chemo. This started about August 15, 2012, guess I won’t ever forget that date. After chemo I started on hormone therapy, lupron shots every 3 months and femara everyday. That’s been a little rough, slammed my body into menopause, feel like I”m about 80 most days but that’s ok I’m still kicking. Seeing a Dr this month about a hysterectomy so I can quit those meds. I have been so blessed through it all like you, I know how much I’m loved by God and family and friends. I feel like I’m so much stronger, even though I cry more now. I really feel like God remade my heart through this and I just love Him and care about others so much more now. Praying for you daily and your family, I know God is holding you through all this… Love to you Lyndee

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