January 16-Ready to increase the dose?

Yesterday was my second treatment with the new chemo med and so far no major problems, mild nausea and very tired the rest of the day. I also had another bone survey, the doctor is looking for fractures and bone mets so we can be aware of potential problems before they become major issues. I will have a week of rest before my next treatment at which time I will allow the doctor to increase the strength and dosage of the chemo. I will do what my body will allow me to tolerate so that I can have as much time as possible to be with friends and family and do do whatever God has left for me to do. As much as I love everyone, this past month with my sister has given me the NEED to be here for her until she can come to terms with what’s happening to me and have peace and acceptance. We have stated a new bible study about Ruth and Naomi and it has opened my eyes to what real love between women is really about, I want this with the women in my life. Lately is feels as if God has nothing for me to do and I want to be used by him. Is it me, am I not seeing or recognizing where he is leading me? If this is so then I pray for awareness so that I can continue to be used and do what God wants me to do. I have also been very emotional lately and really appreciate having friends and family around me to keep me from focusing on the wrong things and to keep my eyes on God.

On a sillier note, SALT magazine is taking entries for limericks and it must contain at least the word cape or care, I entered and here it is:

There once was a girl who had hair
when it fell out she said “I don’t care”
there are wigs by the score
I’ll buy 5, maybe more
and they’ll make quite a statement I swear!

Hey, I write about what I know!!

PSALM 13 1-6


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