December 18-Next Stop…Heaven, Until then…God’s Work!

What a week! Started 1st of 10 rounds of radiation on Tuesday, I love radiation because it promises the relief from pain which I desperately need. Then my sister’s fight was rescheduled from last night to today by the airline, but I believe that God kept her safe and she did depart at 7 this morning and got in at 7 tonight. I am thrilled to have her here. Yesterday my “smother” Val and I spent a fun and eventful day together, she treated me to an amazing salsa chicken salad, yummy and took me for radiation. Surgery for right hand will be this coming Monday and I must confess that I am looking forward to the rewards it will bring….no more pain!!! Appointment with Dr.McNulty today with? you guessed it, labs. She took an extra vile of blood, I blame daddy for that little fact because he didn’t hear her call me so he wasn’t back there to supervise, I just can’t get good help!! Just kidding daddy-love ya! Anyway, I will begin my next and final chemo drug on the 8th of January, it has only been approved by the FDA for 4 years. Now I’m all for new drugs but I prefer not to be among the “new to try it” patients, however I am always up for a challenge. Then there was the scare with my beloved boxer Chloe, she has had a croaky cough but it’s not CHF or heart worms so they put her on an antibiotic which has calmed the cough but she’s still not her old self. The night before her appointment we thought she had passed out and then died, I was freaked out and it took quite a while for my own heart to resume a normal pattern. Kids and dogs! To say that I have been overwhelmed and extremely emotional would be a major understatement, everything makes me cry and I really hate that!! I know that God is working in me and on me for his glory but I am having a hard time seeing the necessity for so many tears which leads to puffy eyes and a red face (not pretty let me tell ya) and if I really want to make an impression I take off my hair too!!
It just seems that this week has tried to do me in, lucky for me I talk to ma every night and she always makes me feel better, I NEVER end a nightly talk with her without feeling calmer and reassured.
God and mama, do you really need more? I know that today’s blog has been a little heavy but I promised to be honest with you about all of my journey and this is part of it too. Keep praying for me and my family and I will keep doing whatever God leads me to do and together we will glorify Him.
Thank you for your favorite scriptures, they are wonderful so please continue to share.

1 Peter 1 21-25


  1. Not to heavy… just right. I love to Hear your voice. Yes I mean Hear because I do hear your voice in every word you write. I remember you telling me it was alright that I cry so easily now a days. So what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Therefore Cry… Cry away.. celebrate the tears and feelings that prompt them…. just don’t let the party get out of hand! :). Love you so much girl. God has you right where you are suppose to be and there is peace in that.

  2. Robyn
    You don’t know me. We have never met, but I came upon your blog when looking at your church website, as my husband and I having just moved to Wilmington this year and are “shopping Churches”to find the right church home for us. You are such an inspiration to me.Your strength and your faith in our God. Just want you to know that people you do not even know are lifting up you and your family to God. Hugs! (as you might just need one today)

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