May 7-The Road Much Traveled!

Today is the last day of 14 rounds of radiation and while I am grateful for anything that can shrink and slow tumors, I am happy to have my travels from Ogden to 16th street come to an end. I will have physical therapy after radiation today and continue therapy for 2 more weeks but the facility is only 8 miles from my house so no crazy traffic to deal with. I said before that this round of radiation kicked my butt and it did, I was in bed by 5:30 last night and slept off and on until 9 a.m this morning. I hope that the next week or 2 will allow my body to recouperate and regain some energy, I have learned to rest and to go to bed when my body tells me to, it’s the only way to survive all the things that cancer and treatment can do to your body. My range of motion is improving but I still have a lot of work to do, fortunately for me it’s like a workout and I enjoy anything that makes me feel stronger and empowers me!

Until I Rest

To the last will I grapple with thee Oh death, though you make the battle hard; I will fight with sword and the word of God and endure the many scars.
I shall not lie down or admit defeat, for my Saviour leads the way; when he calls me home I’ll find rest at last; until then I will fight and pray.
Robyn M Framilla
May 7, 2015


  1. Love “until I rest”, if you don’t mind, I might borrow it to share with others!! I have a friend Deb who is fighting stage 4 colon cancer, had a large part of her colon and liver removed but they just found another spot on her liver. I think she could use those words right now.. Please remember her in your prayers and share with your prayer warriors!!! Always praying for you!!! Love to you and your family Lyndee

    • I apoligize for mispelling your name and of course you can share “Until I Rest” with anyone you think it may encourage. I will be praying for your friend and ask my bible study group to do the same.
      God bless and christ’s Love to you and your friend,

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