March 27-What are you made of?

Today is Friday and so far this week has been busy but fun because I visited Mama J and throughout the week had lots of people in need of “hair repair”. If my body cues are any indication I believe there may be a new tumor or two that has come to the party (I did not invite them!) but I will know more next week when I see the doctor. I did need to increase morphine so when I add this to the new pain in my shin I have to wonder if the chemo is working. I’ve had a million thoughts running through my mind lately, but at the forefront is this question: why do we make such a big deal of people showing strength and character? See, I have been very blessed to have known and still know people that take what they are dealt without complaining or blaming someone or something for their current situation. In the past for me it was Mrs.Y and Dorothy Dinearo, at present it is my grandma Morris (daddy’s mom) and my dad. Grandma has had a LOT of stuff happen to her and more as she has aged, she’s 95! but I can tell you that any time you ask her how she’s doing she always says “I’m doing o.k” or “I can’t complain”. Believe me, she actually has things she could complain about if she were that type of person. Daddy..I have seen him make jokes about his leg being shaved silky smooth right before going in for bypass surgery! My point is this; how you respond to life’s difficulties and challenges says a lot about who you are and as a Christian it says a lot about your relationship with Christ. In my opinion this should be the norm not the exception to our behavior. This little apple (I prefer to be known as a Gala! crispy and a little sweet!) didn’t fall far from the proverbial tree, my dad’s side of the family are doers not complainers, so is my attitude hereditary, learned? or simply who I am? In my opinion it is a little of each but for me personally the greater part came later in my life when my relationship with Christ began to grow strong. It is that relationship that allows me to take what I am made of and have peace with what God has allowed to transpire in my life. I already had the attitude! God’s grace has shown me how to put it to good use outside of myself. At this very minute I know 2 people that are actively fighting cancer, 1 child hit by a car, and 1 man that just lost his mother. I can tell you that I know exactly how these families will deal with their trials and losses; they will put their faith in Christ, they will pray, and they will not complain! Tears will be shed, sleepless nights will be faced, and strength of character will be an example for others to aspire to. I am proud and blessed to know these type of people and while it may not be nice to say this, I do my best to avoid whiners and complainers(if they refuse to be helped) because they will suck the life right out of your day! I have sought to understand why a person chooses to live a life of negativity and woe, the only conclusion I can come to is this: they DO NOT know Christ. I have pictured myself in an auditorium speaking to a room full of negative Nellie’s and Ned’s trying to show them all they have to be thankful for, only to lose my cool, walk over and smack someone upside the head while asking “What in the world is wrong with you?” Now I know this doesn’t conjure up the image of Christ but don’t you think Jesus probably felt that way at least once? No? Huh, must just be me! Oh well, like they say “God’s not done with me yet.”

Matthew 7: 16-20
“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherever by their fruits ye shall know them.”

1 Comment

  1. What a testimony! Thanks for sharing.

    in preparation for easter, I read john 13; I was awe struck by the love of Jesus for the disciples. So for us also

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