February 27- Even when I fail to ask, Jesus supplies for my needs.

When oh when will I learn to trust God without thinking? But more about that later. Monday and Wednesday I played hairdresser, Tuesday the “snow” ha! kept me house bound and of course Thursday was Chemo. Afterward mom and I went to Pelicans Roost, lunch, browsing and home, around 6 p.m I went for a 3 mile fast pace walk!!! No pain at all and I was talking to God and saying a ton of thank you’s. The rest of the evening was uneventful except that I didn’t get to talk to Mama J until 9:30!! Clearly I have become a prisoner to routine and need to chill a bit. Today Marty and I took our oldest boxer Chloe to the Vet (this is where the trusting God should have come in) blood work and broad spectrum antibiotics until lab results come back. Possible cancer. Now I have always seen truth in the statement that dogs become like their owners but REALLY, this takes loyalty to a whole new level!! However, it may be as simple as kidney or bladder infection. Now when they told me the total for the bill I immediately panicked and said I would need to make payment arrangements which I found out was not an option; Panic!! God not only made it possible to pay the bill but not one penny came out of my pocket today. As I stood there with this blessing I kicked myself (really really hard too) for forgetting that God always provides for his children, and apparently their loyal beloved companions as well. I think that if Jesus had had a dog as a boy it would have been a Great Dane because they are gentle giants that will protect their master at all cost and their loyalty is unmatched. Just my theory! Oh, also if Jesus got tired he could have rode on the dog for a while. The rest of my day is hairdresser day for me and I love it. I’ll never understand the person that can be idle all the time and be satisfied, if my mind isn’t going then my body is and sometimes they meet and I get in trouble! You may have noticed that my scriptures of late have been Psalms, this is because I find peace in them and I really need that right now, so sit back, read and find some peace for yourself too.

Psalm 34 1-4
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

What an amazing thing to know and find comfort in, all we need to do is ASK.

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